Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Welcome to Short Skits 4 Churches

These are short dramas or skits for use mainly in churches.  They each contain a simple message normally rooted in a single Bible verse or a short set of Bible verses.

Cast size is normally very small to eliminate the requirement for organized rehearsal and often the script can be hidden in the set, even on clipboards or book covers where there are no props at all.

While each script is copyrighted by the author, Tom Spence; they are to be freely used whenever they can bring glory to God.  That is the purpose of this blog—to share these short, usually fun skits designed for church groups.

While many of these could be done on the spur of the moment, it is recommended that the scriptures used be studied first before learning the parts.  Prayer that God bless the sharing of his word in this ministry is always effective, and have fun reaching people that might have missed out during a traditional message.

The blog archive is the index to available dramas on this site.

The dramas on the right-hand margin are more substantial but could also be used in church groups or community theaters.  These are available for purchase at very reasonable prices.

May God bless you for engaging in sharing his word in a drama ministry.

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