Just Say No!
Living for God’s
Cast: Two men or two
women who are friends.
Set: Any stage. One
of the friends (P1) needs a smart phone.
The action is entirely in dialogue. Both begin center stage.
Lights up.
P1: I’m am so
busy. I don’t know what I am going to
P2: You do seem a
little frazzled.
P1: I don’t know what
to do. I don’t know if I even have time
to talk right now.
P2: That’s too busy.
P1: I know [phone
rings]. I’ve got to take this.
P2: Sure.
P1 [To phone]:
Hello. Oh sure. I can do that. Alright, put me down for that too. Cool.
P2: So did I just
hear you sign up for two or was it three more things that you don’t have time
to do?
P1: Yeah, I think, I
don’t know. There’s no way I can do all
of this.
P2: Why don’t you say
“No” to some of these things?
P1: Are you kidding?
P2: No.
P1: But you can’t
just say no, can you?
P2: Yes, you can say
P1: That’s easy for
you to say.
P2: It’s easier now
than it used to be.
P1: What do you mean?
P2: I mean that I
used to be you until I learned to say “No.”
P1: You mean like
saying no to drugs or staying out too late or decaffeinated coffee?
P2: No, well except
the decaf bit. Really, what’s the point?
P1: Other than the
decaf, what do you say no to?
P2: The Friendly
People Place of Prominence wanted me to be on their board of directors.
P1: Oh, you would be
so good at that! You really didn’t say
no did you?
P2: Yes, I said no.
P1: OK, I can see
that. You are the chairman of the board
at the regional food bank. I guess one
board is enough.
P2: It’s not that.
P1: No?
P2: See you can say
no. Now practice just saying it and not
making it into a question.
P1: Yeah, OK,
whatever, but what did you mean by “It’s not that?”
P2: I could handle
another two or three board positions, but I say no unless they are aligned with
my purpose in life.
P1: You have a
purpose in life?
P2: Yes. So do you.
P1: I don’t know
about that. It seems that I’m too busy
to have a purpose.
P2: Maybe if you knew
your purpose you wouldn’t be so busy.
P1: Really? I don’t see how that could help.
P2: It’s simple,
really. Knowing you purpose empowers you
to say no to everything else that you know you don’t need to be giving your
time and effort to.
P1: I need that. [Picks up phone to use app]. Can I get it with
one-click? I am so busy, I hope that I can
use one-click.
P2: You don’t order
it. You just understand it.
P1: Now you’ve lost
P2: I know. Listen now, this is really important. God has really good plans for you. I mean he wants to prosper you and give you
this incredible thing call hope. God is
sooooo invested in your future.
P1: That’s cool, but
what about this purpose stuff?
P2: God has given you
a unique design to do some things so well.
He wants you to pour yourself into living as the person that he made you
to be.
P1: That’s great, but
I don’t have time to add one more thing to my…
P2: You mean like you
just added two or three things a moment ago?
P1: Yeah, like that.
P2: Then stopping
adding and start saying “No” to the things that are not what God made you to
P1: I don’t know
which things to say yes to and which to say no to—I don’t know where to start.
P2: Let’s start by
getting up 15 minutes early tomorrow and just listen to God.
P1: You mean
pray. I do that. I pray that I don’t go crazy. I pray that other people are paying attention
when I drive because I sometimes get distracted trying to keep up with my
appointments. I pray that the line at
the store is short because I really don’t have time for that.
P2: I mean pray, but
just say, “Hello” to God and then spend the rest of the time listening.
P1: And God is going
to speak to me.
P2: More than
that. His Spirit is going to let you
know when to say no.
P1: One 15-minute
listening session is going to take care of this?
P2: NO!
One 15-minute listening session is going to get things started.
P1: I need something that works now. I don’t have time for more than one session.
P2: And you never will the way you are going.
P1: [Sarcastically]. Thanks for
the encouragement.
P2: If you will listen to God and trust him, he
will reveal to you who he made you to be.
P1: And my purpose?
P2: Yes.
There is some mystery with God but mostly he tells us everything that we
need to know and do.
P1: And not do.
P2: And say no to.
P1. “No”, you know I like that word. Just say no!
P2: Yes, you will be able to say “No” whenever you
know you should.
P1: How do you know so much about saying no.
P2: Because I know the One who tells me when to
say no.
P1: I want to know him and say no to everything
that doesn’t get me closer to him.
P2: That’s great!
Hey, do you want to help me paint the rocks in front of my house this
P1: Sure, I mean “No!” Who paints rocks, anyway?
P2: I don’t know.
I was just giving you a little warm up exercise for later.
P1: And I said “NO!”
P2: Good for you.
[Baiting P1]. I guess I will have to do it all myself…
P1: Nice try.
P2: Good job.
I’m here for you as you work your way into saying yes to your purpose and no
to the other stuff.
Lights down.
The end.