Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Following Jesus

Following Jesus
Matthew 4:18-19, Matthew 11:28-29, Proverbs 3:5-6

Cast:  2 people of any age or gender. One has just been saved and the other is Jesus.

Set:  Any.  Action proceeds in dialogue.  Script or notes may be hidden in props if used.  Both begin center stage with lights down.

Lights up.

Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu; praise ye the Lord.  Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah, Praise ye the…
That’s what I like to see.  Real enthusiasm.
You would be excited too.  I just got saved.
I know.
What?  You weren’t even there.
Actually, I was.
Most definitely.
OK.  If you say so.  I don’t remember seeing you there.
I was there.
OK.  What’s your name any way?
Some call me Yeshua.  That’s sort of like Joshua.  Most people just call me Jesus these days.
No way!
Yes way!  Actually, the way, the truth, and the life.
 Like, the Jesus?
I guess that I should say thanks.
Hmmm…  Why is that a guess?
What?  Oh, I mean, Thank You!
Good.  Now that you have been saved from sin and death, it’s time to follow me.
Actually, I have been wanting to talk to you about that.
Yes.  I thought that you being Jesus would already know that.
I do, and I also know that you have some reservations about this discipleship stuff.
Do I ever!
You love the gift of eternal life but don’t love it enough to give your life to me as my disciple.
That’s a little strong don’t you think?
How would you word it?
Well, I just, you know, I…   I have some more living to do.
I have some living in store for you.  It’s real living.
I don’t know that I want to give up everything, at least not yet.
So, you think that by following me, you are giving up something more valuable than what I have to give?
Well, when you word it that way…
How would you word it?
I wish you wouldn’t do that.
That’s not really true.
The more that we talk the more we grow closer.
Yeah but those questions…
Are what get us to the truth.
What is this truth?
That I, we, every form of God that you understand, love you more than you can understand.
I think that I get that part, maybe?
But for you to know real life, you must step out of your comfort zone and follow me.
You mean be your disciple?
But I don’t know…
My yoke is easy.  My burden is light.  You can learn from me.
I am not a big fan of that word.
It’s one of my favorites.  That and..
 If only.
It seems that you know my deal.  So why do you have to press me about this?
I’m inviting you to real life.  I know it’s the best thing for you, even when it gets tough.
Now don’t get me wrong.  I am excited about this not going to hell thing and eternal life and calorie-free buffets and endless holes in one on the golf course, and…
Not much of a Bible reader, are you?
You already knew that.
Yes, I did.
So how do you expect me to step out of my comfort zone?
One step at a time.  Let’s start with memorizing a verse from the Proverbs.
You’re not going to hit me with fools despise wisdom, are you?
No, but it came in a close second.
OK.  I’m ready.
Are you?
No.  Enough with the questions!  They always throw me for a loop. I need answers.
I have answers let’s start with this.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
I know this.  And lean not on your own understanding…
In all you ways acknowledge him,
And he will make your path straight.
Actually, I like the And he will direct your path’s version.
No.  Teasing!!!
Why would you do that?
Because this whole following me and trusting in the Lords stuff is good stuff.  It’s even fun if you will throw yourself into it.
OK.  I’ll try.
I don’t like that word either.
OK.  I will follow you.
Much better.  We will talk again soon.
[Jesus stares intently at the other cast member without saying a word.]
OK.  No buts.  I have decided to follow Jesus.  No turning back.  No turning back.

The end.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Thanksgiving Mouse 2017

Thanksgiving Mouse 2017
Philippians 4:6-7, Psalms 107, 118, 136

Cast:  1 person—adult or youth—who does not mind scurrying around on the stage.
Equipment:  Wireless microphone.  Costume optional

I can’t believe it!  So my sister-in-law invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner.  And me, not thinking, says “yeah sure.”
What was I thinking?  Really, what was I thinking?
So I show up early thinking there will be some good pre-feast grazing and what do I find?  Health food.  Broccoli and carrots—really!  We are mice not rabbits.
But I do my best to keep my cool, well….    That is….
Until they ask me to help get things ready.  Hey!  I’m the invited guest here.  But now I am putting out place settings and napkins and tidying up.  C’mon now, we are mice not high society.  We nibble.  We don’t dine.
And then the coup de grâce (ko͞o′ də gräs′) – that’s COOP DUH GRASS in these parts, but when you are puttin’ on the Ritz with the in-laws, well anyway. [Hands up to signal it’s time to get back to the main story].
[Shaking head left to right to signal disbelief].  TOFU TURKEY!  Can you believe it.  That should not even be a thing. Tofu turkey.  It was so good to get back here.  I hope there are some scraps of some real food left.  Give me some real Thanksgiving scraps.
I do so love it when the kids kick the piece of banana bread under the fridge.  Or when somehow a piece of mac and cheese gets missed in the cleanup.
[Looks at audience and jumps back].  WHAT!  You people again.  I just got home and it seems like I can’t even get a moment alone.
OMG, OMG, oh, oh, oh…
I remember last year I talked to you people about being thankful and here you catch me on my own little rant.  I’m dragging my pity party around with me right in front of you.
Really!  I’m the church mouse and I should know better.
You know, I think this thanksgiving stuff takes a little work.  I think that we have to get out of the rut that the world likes to keep us in and just think thankful thoughts all the time.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.  Yeah, that’s a good one.
[Singing.]  Give thanks with a grateful heart.  I love that song.  Maybe I should live that song too.
Here’s a cool Bible verse from the 4th chapter of Philippians.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
It’s better with the verse that follows.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
If I ask God with a spirit of thanksgiving, he can give me peace in the middle of my problems.  Now that’s no Tofu Turkey.  That’s some real meat.
Hey!  I gotta go and find some real food, but I am going to do my best to be thankful every step of the way.
[Starts to exit, stops, and looks directly at audience.  Raises index finger to signal a major statement to follow].
Thanksgiving, it’s not just for turkey day anymore.
